Tuesday 4 January 2011

Payment or Else

I received a rather threatening invoice this afternoon informing me, in 26-point red Arial Black lettering, that this was my "final notice" to pay for my impromptu ambulance ride and that "payment of this outstanding amount" was "required immediately". Failure to do so, the sheet of paper informed me, would result in my "debt" being forwarded to their "collection agent" for "action". By the tone of the notice, there could be no doubt that "collection agent" was an euphemism for "hired mercenary" and that "action" would involve some manner of explosive.

This did not stop me from being pissed off that this so-called final notice was in fact the first I had heard of the matter.

I suppose I will yet again have to deal with other people's messes. Sometimes I hate my life with a passion that borders on tangible.

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