Monday 1 January 2007

Webcomic Links

It all started with some fellow or another who linked Sluggy Freelance. From there I hit Kevin and Kell, which had a nice list of comic links at the bottom of the page. It all went downhill from there.

This is going to be a long list. Buckle up!

Highly recommended:

The Adventures of Dr. McNinja - Chronicling the exploits of a doctor who also happens to be a ninja. With a premise like that, how could this possibly not be funny? Plus the art is fantastic.
Updates: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Status: Ongoing

Concerned: The Half-Life and Death of Gordon Frohman - An absolutely hilarious comic set in the world of Half-Life 2. Each comic is accompanied by extensive notes so even someone who has never played the games can follow. Consistent humour and a funny storyline. Not to be missed.
Updates: [N.A.]
Status: Complete

MSPaint Adventures - Calling this a webcomic would be an insult to its creator. MSPaint features a number of stories written in a text-game adventure format, backed up by stunning artwork and animation styled to look like MSPaint drawings (except for one page, all the art was prepared in PhotoShop or Flash). However, the greatest thing about this comic is the writing, which partners with the visuals and, in the latest story, audio as well, to deliver an epic, awe-inspiring feel. I can't recommend this enough.
Updates: Frequently, and often multiple times in a single day.
Status: is complete, and Homestuck is currently ongoing.

No Rest for the Wicked - A story which binds several fairy-tale plots into a single, coherent story. Amusing and satirical.
Updates: Sporadically.
Status: Ongoing.

Order of the Stick - Easily the best webcomic out there. It's got story, it's got accessible humour and it hardly ever gets dull. Read it!
Updates: About twice a week.
Status: Ongoing

Pirate and Alien - The weirdest premise in the world. Through a series of curious events, a deposed pirate captain, his parrot and an alien end up in Earth, twenty-first century. Naturally, misunderstandings arise, only it's double-trouble since both of them have very different views of the world. Almost unspeakably funny, yet poignant and realistic. A charming comic. Unfortunately, it seems to be on permanent hiatus, but the archives are still worth a read!
Updates: Halted
Status: On indefinite hiatus

Schlock Mercenary - A space opera about a band of mercenaries and their adventures in the outer regions. Plot, science fiction and wholesome comedy all rolled in one.
Updates: Daily
Status: Ongoing

xkcd - Another good science-related strip, though it comments on other profound issues as well. It follows a gag-a-day style, occasionally wandering off on short arcs. Thoughtful, funny of course, and completely obsessed with raptors.
Updates: Usually on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule, but sometimes updates more often.
Status: Ongoing

Other comics I read:

Casey and Andy
Crimson Dark
Directions of Destiny
Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire
El Goonish Shive
Evil Diva
Girl Genius
The Green Avenger
Gunnerkrigg Court
The Last Days of Foxhound
Lil Formers
Malaak: Angel of Peace
No Need for Bushido
Rob and Elliot
Sluggy Freelance
Something Positive
Tales of the Questor

Links last reviewed 1 January 2011.


Bengo said...

Just for fun. There's over 3000 links to webcomics in the links section of this site, unobstructed by editorial clutter.
Thought you might enjoy it, or your readers might. Lots of links to foreign titles too.

I always enjoy reading people's recommendations and favorites lists, even if they are not always to my own taste. Thanks for posting yours. I'm glad I bumped into it.

Bengo said...

Oh, yeah: Aldus Maycombe stopped abruptly.

Wintershark said...

Hey, thanks for dropping by, and thanks for the link! I must say, that is quite a comprehensive index of webcomics.

Indeed, Aldus Maycombe seems to be on an extended hiatus, as are some other webcomics I read...Hopefully they will return sometime.

Bengo said...

I spoke to the creator of Aldus a while back, and though she was sad about the situation, I got the impression other priorities have forced their way to the front.

This is why we need massive government subsidies to support webcomic artists. :D