Sunday 28 January 2007


You know, there's things to be done. And you can do them, and get everything all nicely ordered. The thing is, life being life, chaotic elements keep coming along at irregular intervals (they wouldn't be chaotic if they were predictable) and mess everything up again until it was before you had them all tidied up.

There's two things you can do here. You can order them up again, and fold up the socks according to colour, and archive all the papers by the alphabets, but you'll have to do that again and again, because Ol' Unpredictable will keep coming back, every time. Or you could leave them and leave them in a state of chaos, because no matter what keeps happening it will remain a mess, nothing more, nothing less.

So what do you choose, what is right or what is convenient?

I usually end up with what is convenient. Not always, of course. I do the right thing too, especially when the convenient choice has the potential to hurt someone else.

Then again, you can't always tell when you are hurting someone. Life's funny in that way, that we're always trying to discourage others from knowing our true selves, but we end up disadvantaging ourselves in the end.

There was probably supposed to be a point to this post, but it got lost along the way.

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