Saturday 22 May 2010

Google Pac-Man!

This is the greatest Google Doodle I have ever seen. Or the greatest anything, really.

Go to the Google homepage (now permenantly archived here) and play it, now! Click on "Insert Coin" to play, arrow keys or mouse clicks control Pac-Man, and click on "Insert Coin" again to load a two-player game with Mrs. Pac-Man, who can be controlled with the WSAD keys. (I had a ton of fun controlling both Pac-Man and Mrs. Pac-Man at the same time with both hands. It's also great for playing co-op with  a friend, especially since the Google maze is a little larger than the regular one.) It has sound effects and everything - so completely cool!

Thanks for making this, Google! And happy 30th birthday to Pac-Man!

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