Saturday 15 May 2010

The Competent Sequel

Just came back from watching Iron Man 2, and I think it's best described as a competent sequel. It falls a little flat - none of the hook of the first movie, which just dragged you into the plot. If Transformers 2 had too many explosions, I think Iron Man 2 didn't have enough, or rather, they were not as well-placed. The battle with the main enemy was just bland Although we know he's going to be defeated in the end, it would be nice if there was a big struggle first, instead of him just falling over after a few hits. It was just... not epic.

On the other hand, it was hardly bad. The story was solid and believable, and the acting was excellent. You really feel that you're looking at real people interact, not some characters from a Marvel comic book. I especially liked the dynamic between Stark and Rhodes - you can tell they're good friends, with the arguments, bantering and utter lack of discomfort with each other that such a friendship entails. Also, the humour was top-notch. It flowed naturally, the dirty jokes were kept subtle, and the silliness never undermined the more serious messages.

Also, we find out what Stark does if he needs to go to the toilet while in his suit! (It involves one of the most hilarious facial expressions I have ever seen on film.)

In other words, a decent movie and worth watching, if only for the high-octane Grand Prix scene, but don't expect the thrill of the first movie.

So that was fun! Back to work tomorrow, of course.

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