Friday 29 August 2008

Update XIX: Many Small Things

I've had, if you'll pardon me, a heck of a week. Three written assignments plus a graphics-heavy oral presentation. I've been staying up far later than decent people should be, and even after all that I'm not exactly sure what I churned out was the best I could have done.

But now I'm free. And a couple of nice things happened. So that was alright.

I almost stepped on some ducklings while distracted the other day. Yes, ducklings. I quickly got out of the way before the angry mother could get a taste of my leg.
They were pretty adorable though. I'd have liked to take a picture, but I decided I'd bothered them enough for one day.

I used to think that being nasty and bad-tempered at home was all that kept me well-mannered in public. But I've spent months in a different home, and have not truly been angry or obnoxious once.
It's... different. That I don't have to be this way, that there's actually a chance for me to be a nice person.

Lift is awesome, and I only just found this out today.

This is just awesome. It just goes to show how much we depend on our hearing to place what happens around us. I felt a genuine sense of panic when he started on the electric razor.

In other news... HAHAHAHAHA.

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