Saturday 4 August 2007

Update X: Ten, I'm Telling You!

Been too long, eh?

1) I absolutely hate critics who don't know what they are talking about.

2) Turns out that knowing how to do something and actually doing it are two entirely different things.

3) Some people never understand instructions unless they are pasted in a visible place in 72-point font and incorporate generous amounts of profanity in the sentence structure.

4) Scaring people is easier when they aren't paying attention.

5) The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley. Especially when they depend on the cooperation of other mice and men (see #3).

6) BZP's forums have been down for over a week now. I hope it doesn't last.

7) The current Sluggy arc ends with a difficult choice and a generous dose of ion cannon.

8) Pirate is in a dilemma.

9) The Gmail crew pulls more funny stuff. I thought this was one of the better submissions, and this one's wonderfully animated. Also, Lego!
This one is just cute.

10) I hate shoes which are not sneakers. Actually, I pretty much hate any shoe which has a bad effect on my feet.
I refuse to endure damage to my feet for the sake of aethetics.

11) This post had a lot of junk code, so I HTML'd it to death.

12) I'm Ratchet, apparently.

And my cursor is acting up. I'm off.

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