Sunday 24 June 2007

Update VIII: Randomness

As if all the updates weren't random. Anyway, I've taken a short break off my PowerPoint monster to live a little and do some blog updating.

There are currently only two words in the English Language which end in "gry" (unless you count some pretty archaic words which hardly anyone has heard of). It's pretty typical that some have made a joke out of it.

Sandwich-makers are probably one of the greatest inventions ever (next to the microwave oven). If I can, I bring one along with me when/if I go overseas next year.

On Friday, Sluggy Freelance had the most awesome plot twist since the Blacksoul = Obsidian Teknokon = Bun Bun revelation. The speccers are already buzzing, and I can't wait to see how this plays out.
Also, Torg does something smart. It's always great when he does that.

And... I'm off to slay some more of the monster.


eudora said...

I want to bring things along with me too but my dorm rules don't allow me to have kitchen appliances! (well, cooking appliances. Microwaves seem to be okay but not COOKING appliances. which is slightly odd.)

Wintershark said...

Hmm... Do matches and firewood count as appliances?


sunshynez said...

Tsk2... What would you want to do with those? Haha.. You guys are all planning to leave me alone in Singapore, is it? One after the other. So, anyone else? You can join the queue if you want to...

Wintershark said...

She knows our secret plan! DESTROY HER!

You know, you could also try leaving Singapore. Then you won't be alone in Singapore, you'll be alone somewhere else. :P