Tuesday 12 June 2007

Update VII: A Question of Weight

While looking for something entirely unrelated, I came across this.

Okay, this is ridiculous. I've never got why so many women feel compelled to lie about their weight, or age, or "vital statistics", or whatever. But when it gets to the point where such lying interferes with medical research...

To be fair, when conducting a telephone survey on something which people typically lie about, you would have to expect some nasty inaccuracies.

But it's still ridiculous. What is so important about maintaining an illusion to others that you are lighter than you seem? Your weight isn't going to magically change just because you say it is something else. And when that weight is a possible indication of serious health problems, lying about it moves from silliness to suicide.

Let's change this, one woman at a time. I weigh 64 kilograms (that's 141 pounds for you imperialists). I'm the heaviest person in my family. Thanks to the "spare tyres" around my waist, I have a fairly unattractive figure. I could improve it but I'm too lazy to exercise. So there.

Since this is an update, I'm supposed to talk about other random things. Let's see... I finally rounded up my Final Year Project report and logbook; I'm happy with them and I'm going to submit them tomorrow. (Incidentally, since it's the holidays now, and since I have no other business in school, I have to travel all the way up North to Woodlands just to hand in my stuff. Sometimes teachers can be really... insensitive.)

And since I'm temporarily free from actual work, I've gone on to comic-drawing. The current project is a PowerPoint monster and it is going to kill me.

Of course, half the fun is defeating the monster.

I'm not sure if anyone's noticed, but I tweaked a few things here and there around the blog. There are also some exciting new links up:

Pirate and Alien: One of those "innocent comics" which I'm apparently fond of. I adore the quirky art style, and it's so, so funny.

USS Constitution Virtual Tour: I actually wanted to put this up long ago, but the link wasn't working then. The site has detailed diagrams and photographs of the famed Old Ironsides, the oldest frigate still in service. I use this every time I need to design or draw a ship.

Quick After-Battle Triple Chocolate Cake: If there's a method to kill people with excessive chocolate, this has to be it.
I am so making this someday.

Chalk: An artistic take on the traditional shoot-em-up. Highly addictive.
(I might review this later. I find reviews are the best way to corrupt my friends.)

In completely unrelated news... there is no completely unrelated news.

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