Tuesday 15 May 2007

Update VI: My Favourite Number is Six

At least, it used to be. You know, back when favourite numbers were important. Nowadays I keep it only through tradition.

I had coffee yesterday - Ice-Blended Mocha from the Café Galilee in the school library - for what will be the last time. Within minutes I had developed symptoms alarmingly close to drunkenness, and felt twitchy all the way until bedtime. This is the second time in a month coffee has caused me to act strangely (the last time it was a can of Nescafé), so I'm officially swearing off the beverage from now on.

The Deegans amuse yet again, with Mrs. Deegan demonstrating that, in spite of her powerful magical abilities and influential post as a school headmistress, she is and always will be a mother. "What have I told you about fights with strange visions?"

My Final Year Project report submission deadline was pushed back today - just when I'd finished it. So all those sacrificed weekends and not posting on BAG and deciding not to take part in the RP comic-strip competition was all to naught.


I'm alright now.

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