Friday 16 February 2007


So I was playing C&C Generals (USA side), the second last mission where you have to fight a rogue Chinese general helping the GLA. So I snuck Col. Burton into their base, blew up a few things and was on the point of leaving when I found that an Overlord tank was following Burton around.

The thing about Overlord tanks is that they're really nasty. They're huge, at least three times bigger than anything else on the field, double-barreled, heavily-armoured, the only tank able to squish other tanks (as opposed to normal tanks, which can only run over infantry). They've got an evil voice ("They will be... crushed"). They're the pride of the Chinese side. The absolute last thing you want is one of them following any one of your troops, but especially an expensive Hero like Burton.

So naturally I was freaked out when I found an Overlord on Burton's tail, but what freaked me out more was that the tank wasn't doing anything at all. It just came close to Burton and sat there, but would start moving whenever Burton moved. Really creepy. I finally sent Burton climbing over a cliff and out of the base, well out of the Overlord's range of view - he could outpace the tank easily, they're highly ponderous. And so I left Burton far from the base, but in a good place to pick off infantry rushes.

And after about five minutes - guess what?

That tank turned up again! It obviously had to have travelled some distance, all the way round the front of the base (since tanks can't cross mountains) and it can't have been able to see Burton at all for a good part of its journey, but there it was, like a faithful puppy. It didn't so much as fire a shot.

Endearing as that was, the tank was becoming a nuisance. I sent Burton into my base, simultaneously luring the tank in, and used six Tomahawk Missile Launchers and an equivalent number of Paladin tanks to dispose of it.

But, gee... talk about having obsessed fans.

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