Monday 26 April 2010

Dressed to Impress

Tomorrow the long weekend ends, and with it my lack of access to medical facilities. The sling might come off tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

It's a funny thing - the only reason I needed a sling was to keep my arm elevated, to reduce the bleeding. But walking around with a sling, people tended to assume the worst (i.e. my arm was broken). It would be a fair feat to break an arm with a mandoline while slicing onions...I think a sling is such a visible dressing, usually associated with major arm injuries, that it instantly catches attention, drawing gasps and concerned inquiries as to what happened..

Except from my supervisor, who seemed entertained by the whole thing, although he tried to put on a sympathetic face.

In any case, I will be glad to have that thing off. Impressive appearance notwithstanding, my arm was getting cramped, being perpetually bent while held up by the sling. I suppose that would not be a concern for someone who had actually broken their arm.

In the meantime, I can go around bragging about my ability to carry out a PCR with one arm tied behind my back - or down my front, as the case may be.

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