Thursday 11 February 2010

Pack Up, Shut Up, Go

Here it is, once again.

To cram everything into a 40 x 60 x 100 cm space. To pack away life, home, everything familiar into an unfamiliar feeling and lock it all away. To split myself into two once again and live two lives across a piece of ocean.

I used to want a life of adventure. But now I realise that the more you travel, the more places you place your mark, and the more places call back to you. It just gets easier to ignore the voices the more you do it.

I just want one place which I can truly, definitively call home. But that will have to wait for a few years.

Just a little longer now. Wait for me.

1 comment:

eudora said...

I know the feeling. You develop two homes, there's home home and then there's THERE-home, and for the thousandth time you wish that everyone you loved were on the same continent at the same time. Or the same time zone would do, anyway.
We'll get there, we all will. just hang in there.
(and some of us will arrive more, ahem, qualified than others)