Wednesday 18 February 2009


Long ago, people would ask me what songs I liked. Some of these people were teachers. I hated that, because that meant I had to come up with a correct answer. And as someone who was raised on wordless music, there was no correct answer. So I'd just pick a decent-looking piece and claim to be desperately in love with it.

Even now, a great deal of the music I listen to is wordless. Much of it is background music from video games and movies. I think there is something about background music, which is manipulative and uninterrupting at once.

That not make sense? Good. Stop asking about my favourites. I like many things.

On another note, what is the proper thing to say if someone asks how you are? I usually alternate between a vague non-committal reply, and accurately describing my current situation.


eudora said...

haha. I usually just go "fine, how are you?"
I mean, most people don't really want to know how you are. It's just a social nicety, something people expect you to say and expect to hear a stock answer back. The most honest I go is, "I've been better" if I feel crappy and if something's going well I might give a four or five word description. never really thought about it before. lol.

Wintershark said...

I figured as much. The accurate reply is usually for people I know or for commiseration (about the boiling weather, usually).

Over here, niceties are mandatory or something, apparently. When I met my project supervisor he spent a few minutes asking about my holidays, etc before his expression subtly shifted and he launched into the serious stuff. I think he found that I'm more cooperative discussing bacteria than divulging personal details for the sake of conversation.

eudora said...

haha well. sometimes they're just easier to gossip about =p
oh btw, what's your mailing address over there? I got your lovely surprise in the mail :)