Thursday 2 October 2008

The Forgiveness Interval

Or, the duration of time between someone violating your personal rights and you deciding not to get angry. One of the great advantages of the internet is that you can always wait out this period before choosing to respond to an annoyance, and so never appear to lose your temper. In real life, this is less of an option for obvious reasons.

Two of my housemates have the habit of taking various items out of the house and/or consuming them, without asking the permission of their owners or so much as leaving a note of explanation. My immediate reaction upon discovering the infractions is fury, which usually fades away to a more objective indignation by the time I corner them. Thus I've so far been able to deal with them without breaking anything or raising my voice.

However they've never learnt, not after repeated confrontations. And one of these days, I'll catch them before the forgiveness interval has passed.

It will be ugly.

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