Sunday 31 July 2016

Giant List of Recipes

I prepare my own breakfast daily, lunch for six days of the week, and dinner on one day (all other meals belong to my mother - and yes, belong is indeed the correct term). I also make desserts from time to time. And since I'm a food addict and I love trying new things, I go through a lot of recipes. Occasionally I will write them up here, generally if I've made more than a few modifications to the original recipe or combined a few together. Mostly though, I just use them as-is.

Anyway, here is a list of recommended recipes that I have tried relatively recently.

Miso ramen with crispy pork [I used beef instead of pork and omitted the burnt garlic-sesame oil]

Breads and side dishes:
All-green spring slaw [I used butterhead lettuce instead of cabbage, Chinese celery instead of Pascal celery, and replaced the dressing entirely with 150 g Greek yoghurt, 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard, and 2 finely-minced garlic cloves whisked together]
Pink grapefruit and watercress salad [I left out the endive and sumac]

...I could have sworn there were more. Actually, there were more, but they may not have been very good. Many of the good ones seem to be from Serious Eats, which is a generally great site for picking up cooking skills.

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