Friday 29 June 2012

Baked Beans

I used to love baked beans when I was very young, and then, for some reason, I started to hate them. I couldn't stand it when I ordered something from the Western food stall at school, and there were baked beans on the plate. They were yucky and watery and... ugh!

Fast forward to now, 24 year old me watching old episodes of QI (a fantastic show, go watch it). In one episode, permanent panelist Alan Davies asked, somewhat randomly, "Why can't other bean manufacturers make their beans taste like Heinz beans?" While not meant as an advertisement, it did have the effect that the next time I was in a supermarket, I went out of my way to include a can of Heinz baked beans in my shopping. And you know what?

Heinz baked beans are bloody delicious.


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