Saturday 3 March 2012

Aye Arr Ell

That title came out quite piratical.

Anyways, a few hours ago I was in foodcourt at a local mall and I saw a chap wearing a Hero of Heart hoodie walk by. I didn't stop to think too long about it, I just strode after him, caught up and asked, "Hey, are you a Homestuck fan?"

Turns out he was, and he seemed quite delighted to meet a fellow fan too. It's a funny thing, being a fan of an Internet series. If I saw someone wearing a Transformers T-shirt, or carrying a Fullmetal Alchemist comic, I'd think to myself, "Cool, this person likes one of the things I do," and leave it at that. But if it's something Internet-based, there's an added excitement, an immediate and reflexive thought of "Let's be friends!"

Furthermore, it seems that this particular person is Facebook friends with the husband of one of my real-life friends. How's that for six degrees?

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