Tuesday 1 December 2009

Concerning the End of Bionicle

This news isn't new by any means, but I've been waiting a little before commenting... The gist of it is that LEGO will stop producing Bionicle sets in the immediate future, possibly forever. While the storyline isn't about to end immediately, it's hard to see LEGO making a long-term investment to develop a story which won't be bringing in any more money. It seems then that the Bionicle Stars were, aptly, a farewell gift.

What do I think of this? Well, first of all I have to say this was expected. I didn't predict Bionicle would end so soon, but it was bound to happen the minute the line stopped being profitable. It is probably a credit to the line that it has managed to last so long. Given the difficulty of appeasing old fans, attracting new fans and producing new sets to make money with every single year... well, it shouldn't have been a surprise at all.

Secondly, while I wish the story could have wrapped up neatly, with a few more years of story building up to the final defeat of the Makuta once and for all, clearly we're going to get something reasonably anticlimatic, if we get a proper conclusion at all. This, I suppose, cannot be helped.

Thirdly, I now have an excuse to buy a few more Bionicle sets. I had my eye on Bionicle Stars Tahu.

Fourthly, any piece of fiction will live on as long as it has fans. There is absolutely no reason to stop writing fanfiction or building MOCs. Previously, it was LEGO's job to keep coming up with new material to inspire us. Now this task has been handed back to us.

I think we can handle it.

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