Saturday 6 June 2009

Old Age

So I turned 21 a bunch of days ago. While I wasn't all that excited about it, our social representative was and insisted on organising a lunch, with cake afterwards. She also stuck balloons over my desk. I still haven't removed them.

I also bought a Skrall for myself. He is very awesome.

In spite of all the celebrations and suggestions to get drunk and all, it didn't really sink in until I was attempting to get through a door which one student was blocking, as he stood in the middle of the doorway chatting animatedly to his friends. As I was attempting to slink past with a muttered, "Excuse me," one of his friends pushed him aside, saying, "Let the poor lady pass."

Looks like it's time to start investing in anti-wrinkle cream and knitting needles.

1 comment:

Zhang Yang said...

I love your posts. They are witty and they really made me think.

Keep posting!