Saturday 4 April 2009

Been a While

It's been a busy week.

I've been doing restriction digests. It seems that's all I have been doing, setting up the same reaction again and again until it actually works. Turns out the first attempt was actually the best one, and fortunately I still have purified products from that one. Going to use it and move on.

Then yesterday I had a poster presentation. There's the paradox with poster presentations. On one hand you want a lot of people visiting your poster and asking you questions, because it means you did your job and your work is actually interesting. On the other hand, practically everyone asks you to "talk me through your poster." I had to tell the same story at least six times, with varying levels of detail to account for differing familiarity with the subject field. And differing character.

"Tell me about antigenic shift," says one visitor.

I stare at him. He was my lecturer for Molecular Virology last year. He was the one who taught us about antigenic shift.

"You have to be joking," I say.

Wednesday was April Fools' and nothing of note happened, which was sad. On Thursday, my co-supervisor's lunch went missing from the common refrigerator, which attracted an undue amount of attention.

Today is Saturday.

It's just another day.


eudora said...

eh woman your life is interesting but I don't know about it because you have not been posting or emailing me :(
Noel misses youuuuuu.

Wintershark said...

I've been kinda swamped lately. Sorry.

...However, if it is DotW season, I have several all lined up and ready to go.

eudora said...

DotW season is coming soon. about 2 more weeks, I'd say. I could use some now though. life isn't being particularly charitable right now.