Saturday 13 December 2008

Update XXII: Point Form

  • I'm back in the city of lions!
  • Figuratively. I mean, we've never actually had lions and-
  • I saw WALL-E on the plane. It was fantastic. Fluffy, but not in the utterly clichéd way most family movies seem to steer towards. And the underlying serious message elevated this movie from family fun to something truly great.
  • Seven-hour flights suck. I woke up this morning feeling as if I had been rolling in gravel the previous night, instead of sitting in a cushioned chair for an extended period of time as was the case.
  • I came back and found my room entirely cleaned up, the doing of my hardworking mother. I think I'll leave it that way. I'm not going to be here for long anyway.
  • I managed to find a copy of the 2007 Transformers movie on DVD at half price before leaving Australian soil. I think Kmart was just trying to get rid of them.
  • The trailer for the ambitious Black Mesa mod of Half-Life came out recently. Watch it on fullscreen mode, it feels like playing the game.
  • So there's this one sculptor who uses Lego bricks for art. Magnificent.
  • I love Auditorium. It's like being some sort of composer, in colour as well as sound.
  • I ate large amounts of fish today.
  • That is all.

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