Tuesday 3 July 2007

Update IX: Crunch Time

A lot of things are suddenly coming together for these few weeks - well, pretty much until August, so I probably won't be around for a while. For now, some quick updates:

- Yesterday Star Movies was showing Jurassic Park, so I watched the first part just for the heck of it.
The verdict? Even after fourteen years, the movie still is great. In an age where Bill Nighy looks like he was born with tentacles on his face, the dinosaurs remain as visually convincing as ever

- The Transformers movie was well-received by my classmates, even those who didn't originally know that Transformers can morph into vehicles. Or anything else about them, for that matter.
One friend has a crush on Optimus Prime. Or maybe just his eyes. It's a little difficult to tell.

- I think I broke my PowerPoint. It's running slower than before.

- History is important and should not be erased. That includes the awful art which was all you were capable of three years ago.
... I'll never get why so many webcomic artists feel the need to reboot their work. Wait a couple of years and they'll be even better - and then what? Another reboot?

- As usual, xkcd totally gets it.

- I wish people would stop IM-ing me nonsense in the middle of class.

- Even though I have an entire category dedicated to Bionicle, there are only three entries in it. This must change.

- I need sleep.

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